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Derived metrics

In MetricFlow, derived metrics are metrics created by defining an expression using other metrics. They enable you to perform calculations with existing metrics. This is helpful for combining metrics and doing math functions on aggregated columns, like creating a profit metric.

The parameters, description, and type for derived metrics are:

nameThe name of the metric.Required
descriptionThe description of the metric.Optional
typeThe type of the metric (cumulative, derived, ratio, or simple).Required
labelThe value that will be displayed in downstream tools.Required
type_paramsThe type parameters of the metric.Required
exprThe derived expression.Required
metricsThe list of metrics used in the derived metrics.Required
aliasOptional alias for the metric that you can use in the expr.Optional
filterOptional filter to apply to the metric.Optional
offset_windowSet the period for the offset window, such as 1 month. This will return the value of the metric one month from the metric time.Optional

The following displays the complete specification for derived metrics, along with an example.

- name: the metric name # Required
description: the metric description # Optional
type: derived # Required
label: The value that will be displayed in downstream tools #Required
type_params: # Required
expr: the derived expression # Required
metrics: # The list of metrics used in the derived metrics # Required
- name: the name of the metrics. must reference a metric you have already defined # Required
alias: optional alias for the metric that you can use in the expr # Optional
filter: optional filter to apply to the metric # Optional
offset_window: set the period for the offset window, such as 1 month. This will return the value of the metric one month from the metric time. # Optional

Derived metrics example

- name: order_gross_profit
description: Gross profit from each order.
type: derived
label: Order Gross Profit
expr: revenue - cost
- name: order_total
alias: revenue
- name: order_cost
alias: cost
- name: food_order_gross_profit
label: Food Order Gross Profit
description: "The gross profit for each food order."
type: derived
expr: revenue - cost
- name: order_total
alias: revenue
filter: |
{{ Dimension('order__is_food_order') }} = True
- name: order_cost
alias: cost
filter: |
{{ Dimension('order__is_food_order') }} = True
- name: order_total_growth_mom
description: "Percentage growth of orders total completed to 1 month ago"
type: derived
label: Order Total Growth % M/M
expr: (order_total - order_total_prev_month)*100/order_total_prev_month
- name: order_total
- name: order_total
offset_window: 1 month
alias: order_total_prev_month

Derived metric offset

To perform calculations using a metric's value from a previous time period, you can add an offset parameter to a derived metric. For example, if you want to calculate period-over-period growth or track user retention, you can use this metric offset.

Note: You must include the metric_time dimension when querying a derived metric with an offset window.

The following example displays how you can calculate monthly revenue growth using a 1-month offset window:

- name: customer_retention
description: Percentage of customers that are active now and those active 1 month ago
label: customer_retention
expr: (active_customers/ active_customers_prev_month)
- name: active_customers
alias: current_active_customers
- name: active_customers
offset_window: 1 month
alias: active_customers_prev_month

Offset windows and granularity

You can query any granularity and offset window combination. The following example queries a metric with a 7-day offset and a monthly grain:

- name: d7_booking_change
description: Difference between bookings now and 7 days ago
type: derived
label: d7 Bookings Change
expr: bookings - bookings_7_days_ago
- name: bookings
alias: current_bookings
- name: bookings
offset_window: 7 days
alias: bookings_7_days_ago

When you run the query dbt sl query --metrics d7_booking_change --group-by metric_time__month for the metric, here's how it's calculated. For dbt Core, you can use the mf query prefix.

  1. We retrieve the raw, unaggregated dataset with the specified measures and dimensions at the smallest level of detail, which is currently 'day'.
  2. Then, we perform an offset join on the daily dataset, followed by performing a date trunc and aggregation to the requested granularity. For example, to calculate d7_booking_change for July 2017:
    • First, we sum up all the booking values for each day in July to calculate the bookings metric.
    • The following table displays the range of days that make up this monthly aggregation.
70302017-07-30 to 2017-07-02
  1. Next, we calculate July's bookings with a 7-day offset. The following table displays the range of days that make up this monthly aggregation. Note that the month begins 7 days later (offset by 7 days) on 2017-07-24.
68402017-07-23 to 2017-06-30
  1. Lastly, we calculate the derived metric and return the final result set:
bookings - bookings_7_days_ago would be compile as 7438 - 7252 = 186. 